Maybe They Really Don't Hear Us

Teens never seem to listen. Maybe it's because they really don't hear us.

Hearing loss among adolescents increased by 31 percent between 1988-1994 and 2005-2006, according to a study recently published in JAMA. (JAMA2010;304[7]:772-778)

The prevalence of any hearing loss among adolescents was 14.9 percent in the earlier group and 19.5 percent more recently. Although the reasons for the increase are unclear, risk from loud sound exposure from listening to music may be partly to blame.

Hearing loss affects more than 6.5 million adolescents. Males are more likely to have it, as well as individuals from families below the federal poverty level.

It's time for adults to pay attention to a trend that not only increases frustration within families, but could have significant educational and social implications for the next generation.

— Tom DeSanto

Image: Titan Teens iPod desktop

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